Monday 7 April 2014

Search Engine Optimisation Adelaide | SEO Services | SEO Australia

Search Engine Optimisation is the process of making web content easy for search engines to index, find and display. Search Engine Optimization is a vital step in promoting your business online and it’s hard to exaggerate its importance in driving traffic to websites. It determines the online presence of your website and thereby the growth of your business.  Search engine optimisation (SEO) is one of the most cost-effective marketing tools available to your business.

Monday 31 March 2014

2excel is a full service web design company based in Adelaide, South Australia. We offer both informational and E-Commerce websites with HTML and Flash designs, to promote your business online with a great looking custom designed site. We will work with you to create a design that is suitable for you and your needs.......

SEO is a breeze with the 2excel CMS You can add all your meta tags like Titles, Description, keywords and even custom tags with just a few clicks.  SEO friendly urls are automaticaly created or you can add custom urls.